martedì 16 giugno 2020 | ore 11:30sala grande


Letture in inglese con Rosemary Perry Vine

I libri sono stati una preziosa compagnia in questi mesi di lockdown: ricominciamo a leggerli insieme, al Circolo, dal vivo. E, come da tradizione anglofona, leggiamoli in lingua originale.

Oggi tocca a Nutshell di Ian McEwan.
Trudy has been unfaithful to her husband, John. What’s more, she has kicked him out of their marital home, a valuable old London town house, and in his place is his own brother, the profoundly banal Claude. The illicit couple have hatched a scheme to rid themselves of her inconvenient husband forever. But there is a witness to their plot: the inquisitive, nine-month-old resident of Trudy’s womb. As Trudy’s unborn son listens, bound within her body, to his mother and his uncle’s murderous plans, he gives us a truly new perspective on our world, seen from the confines of his. McEwan’s brilliant recasting of Shakespeare lends new weight to the age-old question of Hamlet’s hesitation, and is a tour de force of storytelling.

prossimi appuntamenti:
– 23 giugno White Houses di Amy Bloom
– 30 giugno Evening in Paradise: More Stories di Lucia Berlin


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